Friday, January 27, 2012

9 Steps to Protecting Your Wealth

Good day friends:

Over the next few days I would like to share some thoughts about the process of selecting a financial advisor in a way that will best protect your wealth...and lead to greater investment success. I hope that you will find it interesting.

#!1 It is important to be sure that you have spent enough time with the potential advisor to learn the advisor's investment philosophy, investment styles and results, operational considerations and fees to that you can ACHIEVE REASONABLE EXPECTATIONS CONCERNING THE RESULTS OF YOUR INVESTMENT PLAN. (The old addage; "If it sound too good to be true..."applies.)

#2  Be sure to meet regularly with your advisor in support of the above.

More to follow...


Yours for investment success,




Friday, January 6, 2012

Expansion employment opportunities/interview Sunday

Good Day again:

Our firm has an opening for several "Business Originators", (folks in a position to refer people to our Managed Money Programs,-not present the programs). Candidates should have a financial education background or substantial investment experience.

We also seek a part-time IT intern that can work in our office 1-3 days weekly, flex-time. Any thoughts?

I have the privilege of interviewing this Sunday, (January 8th.), at 11:00 a.m. with Jerry Anderson of WTOL, Channel 11. Please provide your critique. I can take it...

Have a super weekend!

My best,





The "ho-hum" clarification

Good day everyone! My last post title included the phrase; "ho-hum"...intended to be very deliberate sarcasm. This, because I felt that more than two "citizens", (as opposed to the many elected officials of the city and many union elected officials who spoke), should have exhibited enough concern to speak out against the present, flawed government proposal. Not so. Two "citizen" people of the (500) in attendance spoke. If such apathy persists we will certainly lose the post offices and downtown distribution center.

Do you feel that moving the distribution center to Detroit is wise? Should north Toledoens have to travel to the "part-time" Erie, Michigan post office to post mail? If not, please speak up. We only have until January 13 to post a letter to the following address with your valued thoughts on this important issue. Please write to:

Consumer and Industry Contact Manager

US Postal Service Norther Ohio District

2400 Orange Avenue,-Room 25

Cleveland, Ohio 44101-9631

Please give me a call if you desire a copy of my letter sent on the 5th. 



The "ho-hum" clarification

Good day everyone! My last post title included the phrase; "ho-hum"...intended to be very deliberate sarcasm. This, because I felt that more than two "citizens", (as opposed to the many elected officials of the city and many union elected officials who spoke), should have exhibited enough concern to speak out against the present, flawed government proposal. Not so. Two "citizen" people of the (500) in attendance spoke. If such apathy persists we will certainly lose the post offices and downtown distribution center.

Do you feel that moving the distribution center to Detroit is wise? Should north Toledoens have to travel to the "part-time" Erie, Michigan post office to post mail? If not, please speak up. We only have until January 13 to post a letter to the following address with your valued thoughts on this important issue. Please write to:

Consumer and Industry Contact Manager

US Postal Service Norther Ohio District

2400 Orange Avenue,-Room 25

Cleveland, Ohio 44101-9631

Please give me a call if you desire a copy of my letter sent on the 5th. 



Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Toledo Losing Postal Service...ho-hum!

Last week was the first major opportunity for the Toledo population to comment of the recent Postal Service demand to reduce facilities nationwide.The USPS plans to close Toledo's Distribution Center along with the Point Place, Manhattan and other post offices. That means that the nearest post office for north Toledo residents will be Erie, Michigan!

The Blade estimated that out of a population of 300,000...only 500 showed up for the 7:00 p.m meetin and many of those were postal union employees! There was but a single speaker that represented all ordinary citizens. This is a very sad testimment to the strident apathy that has envaded our American culture.

Congresswoman Marcy Kaptor spoke eloquently at the meeting and suggested that we are losing our liberty as a country. She begged those in attendance to run for political office. She is spot-on in her tlhinking and her comments. 

It is time for all Americans to take note of the freedoms we have already lost and to work to protect those that we still cherish. Please contact me if you wish a free copy of our "Talking Points" that list many critical issues that need to be corrected to improve our living standards and promote progress in America.

I have been invited to interview on these, and other topics, this Sunday, January 8, 2012 on WTOL Channel 11 with Jerry Anderson. Please join us if you can.

We wish you all the best in the New Year! 
