Friday, February 10, 2012

Is Your Vote Now Compromised?

As you know, the supreme court's "Citizens United" decision casts "corporations" equal to "humans" under the First Amendment to the Constitution. I will accept that as fact just as soon as a corporation delivers a baby!

Until then however, our votes will continue to compete with the political action committees, (PACS), and super PACS that provide billions of dollars supporting candidates of their choice...without transparency!

The Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 was correct in declaring that the body politic is founded by individuals. Our own Declaration of Independence posits that "governments are instituted among men."  Do you think that our supreme court justices are paying attention?

Expanding Industry in Our Region


We recentlyl had the pleasure of presenting a proposal for study regarding the possible expansion of industrial growth in a three-state area through the deployment of "interest groups". These groups could be chambers of commerce, business organizations or service clubs throughout the region.

The ultimate goal of such an effort is to rebuild our indusrial base as the Asian nations standard of living catches up with ours in America. As of February, 2012, I feel that we are almost there and that the time is ripe for expansion. We are blessed with trillions of U.S. investment dollars on the sidelines...searclhing for opportunity. We have the "venture capital"connection and entrepreneurs are begging for understanding, protection and assistance.

We welcome your thoughts and invite you to join us in this exciting endeavor. Simply e-mail or give me a call if you wish to learn more. Let's build together!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

More on Wealth Protection...

Good Day again:

At last; continuing the list of safeguards to employ when selecting an Investment Advisor we add the following:

6. Be certain that the money manager has a separate "custodian" watching over the cash and securities that the manager is managing. Never allow the manager to custody any assets. The custodian should furnish interim financial statements as well. That's a great cross-check to prohibit fraud.

7.Avoid retail sales commissions charged by stock brokers who may call themselves 
"Investment Advisors". True advisors have a fiduciary responsibility to serve your needs above all,-stock brokers only have a "suitablilty" requirement. Also, their commissions present an obvious conflict of interest.

8.Demand an "Investment Policy Statement" that outlines all details of your relationship as well as the "Statement of Additional Information" for any mutual fund recommendation. You must go beyond the "Prospectus" which, incidently, you must read.

9. Make sure that you understand all the details of your Management Agreement and Advisor Forms ADV Part II before engaging the Advisor. That's it. Hope these safeguards might help you.

Yours for better investing,




More on Wealth Protection...

Good Day again:

At last; continuing the list of safeguards to employ when selecting an Investment Advisor we add the following:

6. Be certain that the money manager has a separate "custodian" watching over the cash and securities that the manager is managing. Never allow the manager to custody any assets. The custodian should furnish interim financial statements as well. That's a great cross-check to prohibit fraud.

7.Avoid retail sales commissions charged by stock brokers who may call themselves 
"Investment Advisors". True advisors have a fiduciary responsibility to serve your needs above all,-stock brokers only have a "suitablilty" requirement. Also, their commissions present an obvious conflict of interest.

8.Demand an "Investment Policy Statement" that outlines all details of your relationship as well as the "Statement of Additional Information" for any mutual fund recommendation. You must go beyond the "Prospectus" which, incidently, you must read.

9. Make sure that you understand all the details of your Management Agreement and Advisor Forms ADV Part II before engaging the Advisor. That's it. Hope these safeguards might help you.

Yours for better investing,

